Care Home Ministry
Church Services in Your Care Setting
If your care setting is in St Oswald’s Parish, Tile Hill, Fr. Ed and pastoral assistant Dawn Easthope can come into your care setting to do a short service once a month.
You can also request holy communion for individuals in your home and the last rites.
Stories for the Soul
Our Creative Mission Intern, Caroline Backhouse, is available to run Stories for the Soul Sessions once a fortnight in your Care Setting.
These can vary over the months from a sensory bible story, church reminiscence session or a one 2 one sessions. Carrie has 20 years’ experience working with Care Homes and is passionate about working with people living with dementia.
Resources for Residents with Dementia
Wellbeing Boxes
Well Being Boxes
Well being boxes support spiritual well being in care homes. They help a person with dementia to connect with their life story as well as to enjoy being in the present moment.
There are many ways to use music with older people: watching musicals; running a singing for the brain choir; or making a personalised ipod with someone's favourite tunes.
Reminiscence therapy is an effective and enjoyable way to connect with a person who has dementia.